Heating & Cooling

DIY Encyclopedia




Holds burning logs off the hearth. Prevents logs from rolling forward. Using a grate and andiron allow air to circulate and feed the fire,...

HEPA Air Cleaner

HEPA Air Cleaner

Passes air through a filter to remove pollen, dust and other airborne allergens. Uses a high-efficiency-particulate-arresting  (HEPA)...

Impeller Humidifier

Impeller Humidifier

Sprays droplets of water into the air. An inexpensive type of humidifier. Must be used with distilled water or with demineralizing tablets in...

Ionizer Air Cleaner

Ionizer Air Cleaner

Use an ionizer to clean air by charging molecules of air, which helps make indoor air more refreshing. Ionizer technology in an air cleaner can...

Kerosene Heater

Kerosene Heater

Uses a wick rather than a pressure-fed fuel system. Standard features include an automatic shut-off device to extinguish the flame if the...

Non-Vented Gas Heater

Non-Vented Gas Heater

Requires no outside vent. Suitable for zone heating and is clean burning and inexpensive to operate. Uses an oxygen depletion sensor (ODS)....

Oil-Filled Heater

Oil-Filled Heater

A convection-type heater that contains a factory sealed oil reservoir that never needs changing or replenishing. A tubular heating element...

Oscillating Fan

Oscillating Fan

Moves back and forth in an adjustable pattern to spread air over a larger area. Oscillation function can generally be switched off with the...

Outdoor Fireplace

Outdoor Fireplace

Portable, wood or wood-pellet burning heat source that can be used at home, on the patio or on the camping trip. Some can also be used as a...

Pellet-Fed Wood Stove

Pellet-Fed Wood Stove

Burns a processed wood pellet fed electronically into the stove’s combustion chamber. The advantage of this type of stove is it has a steady...

