Interior Surfaces



How do I cut the vinyl to fit around doorjambs or decorative trim?

Use a backsaw to trim off the bottom of the doorframe. Cut off just enough so that the tile will slide...


Can I cut vinyl with a standard utility knife?

Yes, but a vinyl tile cutter you can rent is easier. Also, if you are cutting with a knife, change blades frequently to keep them sharp. A dull...


How long before I can walk on my new vinyl floor?

Wait at least 24 hours before heavy...


Do I need to remove the old vinyl floor before installing my new vinyl floor?

No. It will be easier to leave the old floor if you can. You will need to completely clean the old floor and fill in any low spots or embossed areas...


After installing my new vinyl tile floor, how long should I wait to clean it?

Wait one week after installation before washing your new...


Can I install a hardwood floor over a concrete slab?

Generally, you should not install a solid wood floor over a concrete slab. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you want to install...


Should I protect my wood floor from furniture?

We recommend felt pads or some other type of protector to be placed between the furniture leg and the...


Can I install a hardwood floor in the kitchen?

Kitchens are a popular place for hardwoods, and they require minimal...


What is the advantage of wood over carpet?

Wood maintains its value longer than carpet. It is also easier to...


How do I maintain my wood floor?

Most manufacturers recommend you dust mop regularly and use special wood care products. Do not damp...

