Tools & Supplies



Why won't the torch stay lit while upside down?

In some torches, the liquid propane in an upside down tank works its way through the torch and blows out the flame. To avoid this, use a pressure...


Why is the torch hard to light?

The valve may be open to far. Open the valve just slightly so the rush of gas doesnít blow out the...


Can I use a copper tube cutter to cut PVC pipe?

While there are separate cutting wheels available for plastic pipe, such as PVC, you would probably be better off buying a PVC...


Can I use an ordinary hacksaw to cut copper pipe?

Yes, but it doesnít do as good a job as a tube cutter, which makes a cleaner cut at a 90-degree...


Do I need all of those special wrenches? Can't I just use a standard wrench or a pair of adjustable pliers?

The plumbing fittings these wrenches are designed for are usually difficult to access and the standard wrench or pliers will not fit into those...


Can I keep the pipe wrench from damaging the coating on a galvanized pipe?

Yes. Wrap the pipe in duct tape...

