Lawn & Garden



What is the difference between annual, perennial weeds and biennial weeds?

Annual weeds, such as crabgrass, germinate from seeds each spring. After maturing, they drop seeds before dying. These are the seeds that germinate...


How often should I give my grill a thorough scrubbing?

Be sure to do it at the beginning of the grilling season. Then, it depends on how often you use it. Three times a year is probably...


I always clean the grates on my grill, but do I need to clean my burner cover bars after each use to keep pests away?

No, just use a wire brush on them from time to time. They sit close enough to the flame from the burner that any drips from above will burn away...


The inside of my grill needs painting. What type of paint should I use?

If you need to touch up the paint on the non-porcelain surfaces of your grill, such as the endcaps or the cook box, use a high heat-resistant...


What ingredients are in container potting soil?

Potting soil is a mix of several ingredients, including peat moss, compost perlite and vermiculite. Some compost also contains fertilizer, which...


Can I use soil from my garden to grow pots in containers?

Not by itself. Garden soil has a lot of great trace minerals that are good for growing plants, but it doesn’t have the proper drainage...


What time of year should I plant my container garden?

The same time of year that is recommended for planting the plants you choose...


Nemaglobes Destroys Grubs - Environmental Factor



How can I tell when the compost is ready to use?

It will look like rich, organic soil, without any large clumps in it. To test if it’s ready, plant a few grass seeds in a small pot using some of...


How often should I turn my compost pile?

Once a week. This will continue to mix everything together and help aerate the pile. If the microbes deep within the pile don’t get enough oxygen,...

